Amba Haldi | Insant Turmeric pickle

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Its winter time here in India and this is the best season for Amba haldi the turmeric pickle turmeric has many health benefits .This simple pickle is so quick and easy. You can add this to your daily diet while having lunch and dinner. The various health benefits of turmeric  are – turmeric prevents cancer and also it is antibacterial it helps to heal wounds and boost immunity.


  1. 100 grams fresh Amba haldi
  2. Juice of one lemon
  3. Salt as per taste


  1. Wash the Amba haldi so that all the dirt on it is removed 
  2. With a peeler remove the skin 
  3. Cut them into thin slices 
  4. Add salt to taste 
  5. Add lemon juice 
  6. Mix well
  7. Let it marinate for at least two hours
  8. Store in a bottle with lid in the refrigerator
  9. It remains fresh for 15 days